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Earth Zoom for Premiere Pro

ATTENTION: This template doesn’t download maps images, it is necessary to manually import a map into the project. You can get your map image from online map services or using Google Earth Pro as explained in the included video tutorial.


Create your Earth Zoom animation has never been so easy!

Earth Zoom for Premiere Pro is a template for Premiere Pro 2018 and above to create stunning zoom in and zoom out animations to and from different places in the World.

You just need to import your map or aerial footage into the sequence and the Earth Zoom mogrt file.

Finally set the starting and ending coordinates of your locations and the template will calculate the Earth animation.

Earth Zoom for Premiere Pro is modular! With it you can create infinite jumps from one point to another one!

But there’s much more:
You can:

  • set the rotation speed (min 1 sec, max 10 secs)
  • adjust the camera altitude, very useful if you need to move between 2 points quite close without showing the entire globe.
  • Shift the Earth clouds if they are covering your interest area.
  • enable the connection line and set its thickness and color
  • add animated pins (12 available), customize their colors
  • add one or more call-outs (11 available), replace their colors, adjust the text boxes size, text position, etc

This template includes 2 versions: for Premiere Pro CC2018 and premiere CC2019 on which you can change the font type.


  • Earth Zoom is a template compatible with premiere pro cc2018 and above but IT REQUIRES After Effects (even trial version) installed on you machine to work.
  • It works for mac and pc
  • No plugins required


  • Full HD resolution
  • Video tutorial included
  • Free fonts (link to download)
  • Expressions universalized (it works with all languages)


Music not included but you can purchase it from:

Check out the Premiere Pro version of Map Route Generator

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